2、招聘质量工程师 1名,条件:有2年以上工作经验,从事过ISO 9000体系工作,并有内审工作的经验。(详见51job 招聘网站)
1.掌握实验室相关的基本原理与技术知识,提供准确的实验数据和结果master relative principle andtechnology knowledge of lab, offer correct test data and result.
2.严格按照受检产品的技术标准,操作规程等有关规定进行检验,及时、如实填写实验记录test according to product technology standard and operation rule, write down test record in time.
3.及时向主管报告实验过程中的异常情况,并协助检查,排除故障report the strange situation to supervisor, help check and solve the breakdown.
4.出具实验报告单并按规定程序送审make test record list and send for verification as regulated.
5.熟悉有关仪器设备的性能、原理,做好日常维护保养工作familiar with the property and principle of instrument, make a good daily maintenance.
6.负责实验材料的领取和保管responsible for getting and managing test material .
7.负责工作区域危险源,环境健康因素的识别和改善responsible for recoginzing and improving danger source of workshop and environment health factor.
8.积极参加公司组织的培训,钻研新标准、新技术,提高检测水平attend training organized by company, study new stnadard, new technology and increase test level.
9.负责实验室5S. Responsible for lab 5S.
10.负责实验设备的有效性和及时校准responsible for lab instrument validity and calibration in time.